Entre Chien Et Loup (between the dog & the wolf) a cold wax painting series in progress 2023/24
That time of day when the light is such that is hard to distinguish between dog and wolf, between friend and foe, between known and unknown.


‘Clambering Between Temples’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 70 cm

‘Rorschach Landscape’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 140 cm

‘The Battle of 10 Queens’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 140 cm

‘Le Jardin’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 140 cm

‘La Bois’ oil & wax on board,  140 cm x 100 cm

‘La Grisette’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 140 cm

‘The Nightwatch II’ oil & wax on board,  100 cm x 140 cm

‘Notre Dame’ oil & wax on board,  140 cm x 100 cm